YGT Code of Ethics

While worldly desires and lifestyles are so common amongst all groups including the Parkour community, peers who stand up for what is right are desperately needed in the lives of today's youth. The YGT Code of Ethics is our message to the world to firmly proclaim our values and what makes us different from other Freerunning teams. Every member of YGT Freerunning has agreed to follow the guidelines below: 


     YGT Freerunning was founded upon more than just the enjoyment of Parkour/Freerunning. “You got this!” is a phrase of encouragement through any difficult process, whether it be overcoming an immediate challenge in Parkour, or the unfortunate trials and temptations we experience in life. Throughout the years, many children and young teens have looked to the members of YGT as good examples of who they should strive to become. As we continue to grow in our sport and community, we should maintain the values that inspired many to make positive life choices in the first place.

     Although this document will clearly lay down the values we stand for, this is not a contract to unreasonably control what we do in our personal lives. Below will outline the strict rules and recommended practices of YGT Freerunning members.


  1. INTENTIONAL CRIMINAL ACTIVITY - This includes all felonies and any illegal drug use. We understand issues with trespassing and damaged property occasionally happens in Parkour, all members must be mindful and respectful to property and authorities. When asked to leave a spot, be polite and cooperate.
  1. MAIN CHANNEL INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT/LANGUAGE - All social media posts from YGT Freerunning or collaborative YGT posts from members are to be free of any profanity, suggestive, or offensive language, including background music. All content from the main YGT social media channels MUST be child friendly.


  1. ADDICTIONS - Although we only strictly oppose illegal drug use, ANY unhealthy addictions should be avoided and YGT members should encourage others to avoid harmful substances or life choices. YGT may be involved with organizations that help troubled youth and members should live up to the values taught.
  1. PUBLIC APPEARANCE - How members act in personal lives and around friends are completely up to them, but we ask all members to be mindful of their influence on friends, family, fans, children and parents that look to us as an example. Language should be considered and actions should be appropriate in situations where people may be influenced by us including social media posts, jams, Parkour events, and hanging out in group settings.

     This is our Code of Ethics, and all members of YGT Freerunning accept the responsibility and privilege to follow these guidelines and spread positivity throughout the Parkour community and the world.


-Calen Chan

-Reagan Chan

-Austin Farmer

-Parker Taylor 

-Isaiah Stevens

-Denali Siruno

1 comment

  • I love this code! You guys are amazing both as athletes and people! Keep up the good work👌🏻🔥

    Seth Wright

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